Styles change over the years. What is considered fashionable one year can easily be seen as outdated by the next. This holds true even for logos. A long running brand will go through a number of variations of their logo. Traditional can soon become staid, and a bold new logo might be required. For many brands, this means simplifying their logo, making it cleaner and more elegant. The following are some of the best examples of that design idea, proving that sometimes, particularly in the world of logo branding, less is actually more.

pepsi logo old and new

The simplifying of logos can achieve great results. A clean minimalist style free of clutter can be far more pleasing to the eye than something jumbled. Flattening typefaces. Changing fonts. Creating more streamlined writing. The refocus on a logo rather than lettering can also provide a bold and powerful effect. With enough brand recognition, a single image can become synonymous with a company.

Target logos WWF Logos


Modern technology also provides a broader variety of colours and effects. Shading, visual effects, metallic finishes. But more isn't always better though, as you can see below. The classic Google logo in particular. It seemingly pops out of the surface with a cartoonish brightness. Flattening it has made it more elegant, more representative of the global billion dollar juggernaut it is today and less like a late 1990's dot-com business. Or Apple's logo. With their emphasis on stylish, elegant, minimalist, metallic finishes on their products, it's only appropriate they apply the same to their logo.

Google Logos

Apple LogosSo as you can see from the above examples, more isn't always better. A clean, elegant design can work wonders for branding. Something simple and bold will stand out for all the right reasons, while something cluttered will stand out for the wrong ones.


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