Our lips are exposed to the elements, so it doesn't take much for them to chap be it rain, hail, or shine. However, with the cool, dry air in Autumn and Winter lips tend to dry out more quickly than usual. To help combat this, we've put together some of our best advice for keeping your lips looking stunning no matter how cool it is outside.

dry lip care april

Invest in a Quality Promotional Lip Balm

The go-to method for keeping your lips in good condition is a promotional lip balm, but make sure you're not just buying into the hype of yummy flavours and bright colours. Your ideal lip balm should come with an SPF rating of at least 15+ to help protect your lips from UV rays (which are still a thing no matter what time of year it is). Just as important is selecting lip products with minimal fragrances and dyes as these can irritate your lips. We recommend a natural lip balm made from beeswax that helps protect your lips without adding any nasties to the mix.

promotional lip balm for winter

Ensure You Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can lead to increase lip chapping, and it's often harder for us to notice when we're dehydrated during the colder months (in Summer we can feel it). So be sure to drink plenty of water to help keep your lips and indeed the rest of your body nicely hydrated -- keep some custom bottled water on hand just in case!

Cover Up When You're Outdoors

More of an issue in Winter than Autumn, but wind chill can really do a number on your lips. If you're heading out into some unforgiving weather, try wrapping the bottom half of your face with a scarf to protect your lips from exposure to a brutal breeze.

lip balm dry lips

Use a Humidifier Indoors

If you're indoors avoiding the cold, you might not be entirely in the clear either. The air in your home can become quite dry during Autumn and Winter too, which can leave you waking up with chapped lips of a morning. Try using a humidifier in your bedroom at night to help eliminate the dryness.

Key Tips & Tricks for Maintaining Your Lips

Still unclear about the best way to go about preventing lip chapping during the colder months? We've got it all in point form here, refer to this list if you're unsure and it should make things a lot easier!

  • Avoid licking lips as saliva dries out skin
  • Hydrate by drinking plenty of water
  • Use a lip balm with SPF protection
  • Exfoliate gently to remove any dry, flaky bits
  • Limit exposure to cold winds and extreme temperatures
  • Wear a scarf or face mask to protect lips from harsh elements

Got any other great ideas for keeping your lips healthy over the colder months? We'd love to hear them! Let us know on Facebook or Instagram today!