Sticky Notes

Sticky notes. They're not just useful for handy reminders, shopping lists and work related notes. They can also be used for a bit of harmless fun!

Directions sticky note

Work or Social Media Stick Note

In this series of illustrations, the talented Chaz Hutton (@chazhutton) shows us how sticky notes can be used to inject a bit of humour into our days, whilst also providing us with something else other than Facebook and Twitter to procrastinate over.

Budgeting Sticky Note

Recipe Sticky Note

From graphs and flowcharts through to checklists and decision trees depicting those seemingly simple decisions one needs to make in adulthood (should I check Facebook or work emails first?), this series of drawings on sticky notes provide a humorous reflection of life as many of us know it.



So next time you're bored, why not grab a pile of sticky notes and let your imagination run free? You could even have a competition with your friends or team mates on who can come up with the best, funniest, most sarcastic, or most creative drawing!

Messages Sticky Note

Assembly Sticky Note

To do list

Images: Chaz Hutton @instachaaz