Ever feel like in this high-tech world we've got more followers than actual friends? It turns out that's a very real issue, and if you're feeling that way, you certainly aren't alone. Australia's Red Cross has decided to combat the feeling of isolation by launching a promotional campaign to boost awareness that also happens to come with some awesome swag.

beating loneliness promotional team

Logo Emblazoned Sports Team Shirts

The Red Cross wants us all to combat loneliness, and the best way to do that is for you and your team to wear promotional sports shirts emblazoned with an emblem for loneliness. Sound a bit out there? Well, it is on the odd side, but the motivation behind it is very real. One out of four Aussies reports feeling lonely most or all of the time. That's a lot of lonely people. So this campaign is about raising awareness and getting people to "tackle" loneliness head-on.

beating loneliness soccer promo beating loneliness promotional shirt

The shirts? Well, they're FREE swag that the campaign is giving out to sports teams (physical or esport, they want to tackle online loneliness too!) who want to sign up for the chance to be on "Team Loneliness". Once on "Team Loneliness" these teams will talk about the issue of social isolation and spread awareness to others -- oh, and if you beat them in sport you can claim you've "beaten loneliness!"

The sports shirts are professional-style lightweight uniform top, ideal for outdoor activities and one of the higher-end options available to teams out there. So what are you waiting for? Check the #beatloneliness tag on social media to find out more.

Details first spotted here: https://mumbrella.com.au/red-cross-aims-to-beatloneliness-in-latest-campaign-515396