Customised Post It Note Artworks

Are you an office supply enthusiast with a penchant for promotional sticky notes? Do you find yourself constantly reaching for those trusty little technicolour squares every time you need to make a memo? Do you find excitement in plastering them all over your desk/computer screen/notebooks/planner/office lunch/your co-workers faces?... Well you just might appreciate this small collection of customised Post It note installation art works created by artists who have seen beyond the practical application of bulk Post It notes, and found beauty.


  • Custom Post-It note installations showcase the artistic possibilities of using sticky notes in unique and creative ways.
  • Sticky notes offer numerous benefits for personal and professional use, including organization, brainstorming, collaboration, etc.
  • Cubic Promote suggests that customizing Post-It notes with your logo or personal information can make a lasting impact.

Custom Post It Note Installations

At first glance of Rebecca Murtaugh's 'To Mark a Significant Space in the Living Room' you might not immediately understand the title, but if you look closely you'll notice the entire living room set is carefully plastered with Post It notes!
Customised Post It Notes

Artists Thomas Jackson on the other hand prefers to bring the office to nature with this suspended Post-It note installation.
Customised Post It Notes

We get the feeling that this installation by Becker Schmitz and Il-Jin breath Choi took a certain degree of time and patience...
Customised Post It Notes

These tiny Post It note sculptures from eccentric artist Motohiro Tomii’mix things up a bit.
Customised Post It Notes

The Benefits:

Sticky notes are a popular and versatile tool for various personal and professional purposes. Here are several reasons why people use sticky notes:


  • Organisation: Sticky notes can help you keep track of tasks, appointments, and ideas by creating a visual reminder that can be easily placed on your desk, computer monitor, or any other visible surface.

  • Prioritisation: By using different colors or sizes of sticky notes, you can prioritize tasks based on their importance or urgency, making it easier to manage your workload and stay focused on what matters most.

  • Brainstorming: Sticky notes are an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions, as they allow you to jot down ideas quickly and rearrange them as needed to explore new connections and possibilities.

  • Collaboration: In team settings, sticky notes can facilitate collaboration by allowing each member to contribute ideas, feedback, or suggestions and then easily share them with the group.

  • Flexibility: The adhesive backing of sticky notes allows you to attach them to various surfaces temporarily without causing damage, making them easy to move, remove, or replace as needed.

  • Visual appeal: The bright colors and compact size of sticky notes can make your notes stand out, helping you remember important information and stay engaged with your work.

  • Note-taking: Sticky notes can be used to annotate documents, textbooks, or reports by attaching relevant notes directly to the pages without permanently marking the material.

  • Goal setting: Using sticky notes to write down and display your short-term and long-term goals can serve as a constant reminder and motivator to work towards achieving them.


Sticky notes offer a simple yet effective way to organize tasks, brainstorm ideas, collaborate with others, and keep track of important information. Their versatility, flexibility, and visual appeal make them a popular choice for both personal and professional use. We at Cubic Promote agree that the humble Post It note can make an impact, especially when emblazoned with your unique logo and personal or business info. Why not get in touch to find out how we can help arm your brand with a gallantry of customised business products?



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