This year more than any other that I can recall has been one that we have done a lot of products specifically for T.V shows. Our products can now be regularly seen on the desks of presenters and morning shows as well as a few reality shows this year much to our pride. Despite the fact that computers and tablet has taken up a lot of our leisure time the humble T.V is still a huge medium that has a reach of millions on any given day. If you are hosting a conference or perhaps you are a charity or a sporting organisation then chances are you will be facing a television camera. The coverage may be an impromptu interview or it may be a carefully staged television appearance. Either way branded merchandise in an age where corporate sponsorship for events that can be worth millions it makes sense to have a range of promotional products on the ready for the individual to wear to really maximise your marketing value.

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When it comes to television screens there are certain products that work a lot better than others in terms of visibility. Here are some good examples of products that we have done that are absolutely excellent when on t.v.

- Lanyards worn around the neck are supurb products when viewed on T.V. The best is to opt for a sublimation print which gives a higher quality print result. Weather it is a coach on a sideline or an interview a lanyard with your logo branded on it gives unbeatable exposure especially in instances where the expression of the person matters to an audience which leads to a higher attention level by the audience T.V viewer.
- Caps: Simple and with a large branding ara
- Embroidered Polo Shirts: Try and opt for branding on both the right hand side chest as well as the collar. This means any close ups will still have your logo visible.
- Umbrellas: Not used all the time but when it is raining having your logo on an umbrella is a fool proof way to display your brand or sponsors brand. Why not have your print revsersed so that your logo can still be viewed when held behind your head too?
- Bottles: The cool thing is that a bottle stands straight up. This means it virtually acts like a flag. Low in cost and very very effective at displaying brands and logos.
- Branded mugs: Much like bottles they are simple and they stand straight up.

Products that do not work well on T.V include:
- Ball Point Pens
- Promotional Confectionery
- Stressballs
- Products that lie flat
- Products that are commonly placed on the ground

These products simply are not visible unless held up which would be very very strange indeed if you were in a Q&A type interview segment. Having some of these products on the go and ready for the lucky person going on T.V is an absolute essential investment. Branded products are so low in cost that if you were to miss out on valuable television exposure because of an impromptu event would mean a big loss in exposure. So why not consider stocking up on some products. If you need any other hints and ideas or suggestions just send us an email or give us a phone call today!