Seed sticks are proudly made in Australia and the concept is patented in Australia as well. They are an awesome product that is suitable for promotional use by literally any type of company in any type of industry. First things first though, what exactly is a seedstick? To find out, please read on.


  1. Unique, eco-friendly promo for all.
  2. Customisable Australian-made seed sticks.
  3. Benefits: environment, biodiversity, sustainability.


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What is a Seed Stick?

A seed stick is a small device that contains seeds encapsulated in a material that promotes their growth. It makes planting seeds quick and easy, as you can just place the stick in soil or a suitable planting area. When watered, the stick breaks down, allowing the seeds to germinate and grow into plants.

The current range of seeds available is absolutely huge. Just some examples of the type of seeds that you can select for this nifty promotional item includes:

  • Flowers: Alyssum, Baby's Breath, Canterbury Bells, Carnation, China Aster, English Daisy, Orchid, Poppy, Scarlet Sage
  • Vegetables: Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Endive, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Onion, Rocket, Spring Onion
  • Herbs: Basil, Chamomile, Chives, Lemon Balm, Oregano, Parsley, Tarragon, Thyme,
  • Australian Native Plants: Bottlebrush, Tea Tree, Honey Myrtle, Everlasting Daisy, Manuka, Scarlet Kunzea, Paperbark,
  • and more!

Seed Sticks Rock for Promotion

We really think that Promotional Seed Sticks rock. Why? For several reasons which to make things easy to read I shall simply list out here:

  • They are Australian made, Australian owned and invented by an Aussie
  • They are low in cost
  • Seed Sticks are tiny which make distribution or taking them out to events a breeze
  • The full colour prints look gorgeous and you can customise the shape of the box in your desired shape.
  • They are natural and kind to the environment
  • They teach kids and adults a lot about nature, the need for patience for a reward as well as getting us back to being a bit closer to the planet and environment.
  • It is much more memorable as a promotional item.

With all these positives we really think Seedsticks rock. Why don't you buy yours today emblazoned with your organisation's logo. Simply check out our range of promotional seed sticks or why don't you simply call us now 1300 858 288 and ask for some more information on pricing or samples on this amazing product.

Environmental Benefits of Seed Sticks

Seed sticks not only make for a unique and memorable promotional item but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Here are the environmental benefits offered by seed sticks:

  • Reduced Waste: Seed sticks eliminate the need for excessive packaging typically associated with traditional promotional items. This reduces the overall waste generated and aligns with eco-friendly practices.
  • Biodegradable Materials: The materials used for seed sticks are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. As the stick breaks down, it enriches the soil and adds organic matter, promoting healthy plant growth.
  • Supporting Biodiversity: By including seeds of various flowers, vegetables, herbs, and native plants, seed sticks encourage the cultivation of a diverse range of species. This helps support local ecosystems and enhances biodiversity.
  • Educating about Sustainability: Seed sticks offer an opportunity to educate recipients about sustainable practices and the importance of preserving the environment. This promotes awareness and encourages individuals to take small steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

Seed sticks go beyond being just a promotional item. They also offer an opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and foster a deeper connection with nature. From their compact design and customization options to the wide range of seeds available, seed sticks are an excellent choice for any organisation looking to promote their brand while also supporting sustainability and education. By choosing seed sticks as a promotional item, you can make a statement about your commitment to the environment and provide recipients with a meaningful and memorable gift.