Tomorrow is known in some parts of the world as the "National Day for listening" I am not talking about music (and I love music), but listening to friends and family. Listen to stories and memories, this all matters.


  1. Listen to stories, preserve culture.
  2. Stress ears: creative and memorable.
  3. Promote exceptional customer service.


stress shaped ear nov 2019

What is the National Day for Listening?

The National Day for Listening is devoted to listening to stories from family members and friends. These stories are essential to share. With these stories, both culture and heritage are passed down. With technology, these same stories can be quickly recorded. Save these sound files onto a cloud storage, and perhaps many generations down the track may also learn as well when they play them back on earphones.

Of all the days that are celebrated during the year, A national day for listening genuinely seems like a great idea.

Stress Ears, Perfect for Listening

I will share with you a secret. Of all the 18,000+ promotional items we stock and sell, which one do you think we sell the least of? You probably guessed it; it is the stress ear toy, one of the many custom branded stress balls in our range.

The stress ear, in my opinion, has the most potential as a promotional product though. Why? Well, for many reasons:

  • You can use the ear shape to support any number of slogans that your company may have.
  • The product is cheeky, unique, and creative.
  • Promotional stress ball ears are unique; we simply do not stock a more unique promo item.

Most if not all companies make mention of good customer service. Well, excellent service starts with listening, which is where I think stress shaped ears are perfect.

Who Uses Promotional Stress Ball Body Parts?

Stress balls in the shapes of human body parts are taking over promotional marketing campaigns! Doctors' offices, health departments, specialist medical centres, and insurance companies are realising the potential of these fun and interactive products, investing them as giveaways to increase brand visibility. Medical themed custom stress balls shaped like hands, feet or even faces can be customised with logos or slogans; they’re great for health and wellness trade shows as conversation starters that give guests something tactile that stick around long after event is done.

Fidgeting can also help customers relax while they remember your business message - making sure you stay front of mind weeks later! If you really want to stand out from competitors, stress ball body parts could be the perfect addition to your next campaign if you're looking to make an impact in the health field without blowing your budget.

Stress Ear's Potential

The stress ear promotional product may be overlooked, but it holds immense potential in the world of promotional marketing. Here are four reasons why stress ear-shaped items can make a significant impact:

  • Memorable Branding: The unique ear shape provides a distinctive canvas for branding. Customizing stress ears with logos, slogans, or even personalized messages creates a memorable promotional item that stands out among traditional offerings.
  • Creative Expression: The stress ear's cheeky design allows for creative expression and storytelling. It can be used to convey various messages, support awareness campaigns, or highlight brand values in a playful and engaging way.
  • Emphasising the Value of Listening: Stress ears serve as constant reminders of the importance of listening. Companies that prioritize exceptional customer service can use them as a tangible symbol of their commitment to hearing and understanding their customers' needs.
  • Versatile Applications: Stress ears can be utilized in different promotional campaigns and industries. From educational institutions teaching active listening skills to wellness retreats focused on mindful listening practices, the stress ear's versatility ensures broad applicability.


In summary, the article highlights the importance of listening on the National Day for Listening. It suggests that stress ear toys, despite being an underutilized promotional product, have great potential due to their unique and creative nature. These toys can be customized with logos and slogans, making them a memorable branding tool. They also serve as a constant reminder of the value of listening and can be used in various industries and campaigns. So, if you're looking for an innovative promotional item, stress ear toys might be the perfect choice to make an impact and stand out from the competition.