I love seeing new products everyday in the course of my job. What I love seeing even more, is when people and businesses make huge mistakes in labeling their promotional items or when they are packaging their products. Here are some of the funniest boo boo's that I have come across this year.

  • Mistakes in branding and packaging can lead to hilarious but damaging results.
  • Accuracy, quality, compliance, and consistency are essential aspects of labeling to maintain a professional image.
  • Taking the time to verify all aspects of your labels helps protect your brand's reputation and prevents costly mistakes.

Branding Lost In Translation

I know it is not nice to laugh at other people's error, especially when English is not their first english for these businesses. This does not stop the fact that these examples are hilarious. It is also quite puzzling as to what the managers and designers involved were thinking.

bottled sauce funny mistake

puke funny mistake

jam funny mistake

Packaging Product Errors

Who would have thought the box itself could lead itself into some really funny scenarios. Have a look at the examples below. The cut outs for people to view the product really are placed at inappropriate locations don't you think?

pingpong balls funny mistake

pampers funny mistake

Product Presentations That make No Sense

These products below need no explaining. The poor little kitten is definitely not a dog, whilst the Fortune cookie is definitely not a job well done!

cat and dog funny mistake    fortune cookie funny mistake

It just goes to show, that having a second opinion or someone to proof read or inspect your final result for a product is absolutely essential. Otherwise you get restuls like these which are absolutlely hilarious if you are not the owner of the business who released these products of course.

Ensure No Spelling Errors

Double-checking the labeling on your promotional products is essential for several reasons, as it helps ensure that your brand maintains a professional image and avoids potential issues. Here are some key reasons to verify the labeling on your promotional items:


  • Accuracy: Ensuring that all information on the label is accurate, including your brand name, logo, contact details, and any other relevant information, is crucial to avoid confusion or misrepresentation. Inaccurate labeling can lead to lost business opportunities and damage your brand's reputation.

  • Quality: Assessing the quality of the labeling, such as the print clarity and the correct use of colors, is vital for maintaining a professional appearance. Poor-quality labeling can reflect negatively on your brand and may deter potential customers from engaging with your business.

  • Compliance: Depending on the type and purpose of your promotional products, there may be specific regulations and guidelines to follow regarding labeling. This can include safety warnings, country of origin, and material composition. Double-checking ensures you comply with any legal requirements and avoid potential fines or penalties.

  • Consistency: Verifying that the labeling on your promotional products is consistent with your overall branding and messaging helps create a cohesive brand identity. Consistent branding across all promotional materials strengthens brand recognition and customer trust.

  • Spelling and grammar: Double-checking for spelling and grammar errors on your labels is essential to maintaining a professional image. Mistakes can reflect poorly on your brand and may be perceived as a lack of attention to detail.

  • Avoiding costly reprints: Catching errors or inaccuracies before your promotional products are distributed can save time and money by preventing the need for costly reprints or replacements.


Double-checking the labeling on your promotional products is an essential step in ensuring accuracy, quality, compliance, and consistency. By taking the time to verify all aspects of your labels, you can maintain a professional image, avoid potential issues, and reinforce your brand's reputation.