A cool thing about us is that working here in Cubic Promote affords us the luxury of playing with all sorts of toys in the course of our work. It is not just toys though, we get access to a virtually never ending supply of candy including yummy jelly beans. If we run out of candy we simply order more from our warehouse. If they are out of stock in the warehouse then we get more produced. In some respects it is every kids dream come true.

  1. Jelly beans are a versatile promotional product.
  2. Customise packaging with your branding.
  3. Use as giveaways at events.


Jelly Bean Cool Facts

Jelly beans are heads and shoulders ahead of other types of lollies. With that in mind we want to celebrate the humble bean with some cool facts about them that you may not now about:

  • Harry Potter books introduced some new flavours of jelly beans including: pepper, dirt, earwax, and vommit. Amazingly the company Bertie Bott has taken the books as inspiration and have come up with these flavours that you can buy right now including: ear eax, pepper, avocado, marmalade and cavier.
  • The jelly bean itself seems eerily similar to Turkish Delight, so whilst no one knows who invented them the honour goes to the Greeks who originally invented them.
  • Monday this week was a national jelly bean day (I personally believe a public holiday should be in order).
  • The red flavour is consistently the most popular around the world (mine too).
  • In case you didn’t know a jelly bean consists mainly of: Sugar, Starch, emulsifying agents.
  • Jelly beans are not nutritious but neither are they really bad for you. A serving size of 10 grams has less than 1 gram of protein, salt and fat. However they do have 8grams of carbohydtrates and 6g of sugar.
  • It takes 7 to 21 days to make a jelly bean.

Jelly Beans as Corporate Giveaways

Promotional jelly beans have been used as a promotional product for many years. Here are some interesting facts about the connection between jelly beans and promotional products:

  • Jelly beans are a popular choice for trade show giveaways and corporate gifts.
  • Many companies choose to customize their jelly beans with their logo or company colors.
  • Jelly beans are a cost-effective way to promote a business, as they are relatively inexpensive to produce and can be ordered in large quantities.
  • Jelly beans are a versatile promotional product, as they can be used in a variety of settings, from trade shows to employee appreciation events.
  • Jelly beans are a fun and memorable way to promote a business, as they are a tasty treat that people of all ages enjoy.

How to Utilise Them

Jelly beans are a popular promotional product that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas for using jelly beans to promote your brand:

  • Include jelly beans in a gift basket or gift bag for clients or employees.
  • Create custom packaging for your jelly beans that includes your company logo or branding.
  • Use jelly beans as a giveaway item at trade shows or events.
  • Offer jelly beans as a free gift with purchase to encourage customers to buy your products.
  • Create a social media contest that involves guessing the number of jelly beans in a jar for a chance to win a prize.

Wrap up

In summary, jelly beans are not only a delicious treat but also a versatile and cost-effective promotional product that businesses can use to promote their brand. With their popularity and variety of flavors, jelly beans can be used in a variety of ways, from gift baskets to social media contests, to engage with customers and leave a lasting impression. Whether you're a fan of the classic red flavor or prefer the more unique options inspired by Harry Potter, jelly beans are a fun and memorable way to promote your business and connect with your audience. So why not consider adding jelly beans to your next marketing campaign and see how they can sweeten up your brand?