Have you ever knocked your keyboard upside down and realised that a world of grime lives underneath your keys? Here are our top tips to cleaning your gadgets with common household items. Here at Cubic Promote we like to keep all of our gadgets in pristine condition. These 7 tricks do the job! If none of these do the trick, check out our funky computer cleaning products.

images for toothbrush

1. Clean Ear-buds with Q-Tips

Let a Q-tip soak in alcohol and gently use it to brush all over the ear-buds. Allow to drive and it will break down any grime and ear wax that are stopping you from listening to your music.

2. Deep Clean Ear-buds

This trick uses a dry toothbrush (a spare new one is best) to work against softly, brushing along the bristles without putting pressure into the speakers will allow the bristles to dislodge anything caught in those tiny holes.

3. Sweeping your Keyboard Clean

Find a soft paint or make up brush and get rid of the dust and dirt caught in your keyboard. Simply use it as a tiny broom and sweep against the keys softly, without placing too much pressure into the keys, and always in the same direction. This causes the soft bristles to flow in between the keys and sweep away the dust and dirt slowing you down.

4. Keeping each Key Pristine

Similar to the ear-buds, a Q-tip soaked in alcohol does wonders for removing any dirt or grime crusted on the keys themselves. Remember not to over soak the Q-tip, as any lost moisture can cause problems later on, a small amount will do the trick.

5. Clean Speakers with a Lint Roller

We've all seen the dust that clogs our speakers, it stands out against the stark black coverings. With a lint roller it is the same as cleaning off anything from your clothes, roll it against the side to remove all the dust, dirt and lint.

6. Coffee Filters for Quick Screen Cleaning

Every screen gets smudges, dust and finger prints eventually. A great office trick is to grab a coffee filter and give it a wipe! It takes away everything quickly and cost effectively.

7. Keeping a Pristine Mouse

Mice can slow down, it's caused by the gathering of dust and dirt on the sliding pads underneath mice. Q-tips soaked in alcohol create a perfect wipe away to remove all that dirt and return your mouse to its former glory.


First seen on: http://diply.com/different-solutions/ways-to-clean-gadgets-with-everyday-household-items/110055