We like to always recommend clients to order a little more merchandise than is needed for any event. Buying in bulk offers multiple advantages including cost-effectiveness, lower prices per unit, the ability to store products for impromptu sponsorship events, and the assurance that no clients will be left without. However, in this blog post though I'm going to chat about something that is totally opposite. There are certain products where we simply think it is in your best interest to go a little bit more conservative when you are working out numbers. These are the products that are perishable. You would be surprised but it is not just limited to edible products. Do you want to know more? Read on!


  1. Choose high-quality perishables for longevity.
  2. Consider audience preferences and events.
  3. Packaging and branding matter.

Perishable Branded Products
Perishable Promo Items

Here is a list of items which are perishable:

  • Custom Jelly Beans (1 year)
  • Promotional Chocolates (6 months)
  • Branded Mints (2 years)
  • Bottled Water (2 years)
  • Customised Toffees (1 year)
  • Logo Printed Cookies (1 year)

Some other products that change a little over time that are not food would be:

  • Custom Highlighters. Over time they will dry out and if you are in an office with air conditioning it makes things worse even with the cap on.
  • Ball point pens will dry over several years too.
  • White stress balls have a tendency to turn yellow by the time they turn a year. Unfortunately it is unavoidable and is the nature of the product and material
  • Any product with a live battery inserted. Many of our battery products that come with batteries have a small piece of plastic between the battery and the metal conductor within a unit to stop electricity transfer. Without the plastic piece the batteries will corrode over time and power will be drained.

Top-Grade Perishables: Why It Matters

When it comes to selecting perishable promotional products, choosing high-quality products is crucial. Here are some reasons why:

  • High-quality products have a longer shelf life, which means they will last longer and provide more value to your customers.
  • They are less likely to spoil or go bad, which means you won't have to worry about your customers getting sick or having a negative experience with your brand.
  • They are more likely to be remembered and appreciated by your customers, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and sales.
  • They can help you stand out from your competitors and make a lasting impression on your customers.
  • High-quality products can help you build a positive brand image and reputation, which can lead to increased customer trust and loyalty.

How to Pick Ideal Perishables

Choosing the right perishable products for your business can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Consider your target audience and their preferences. For example, if you are targeting health-conscious consumers, you may want to choose perishable products that are organic or low in sugar.
  • Consider the occasion or event where you will be distributing the products. For example, if you are attending an outdoor event in the summer, you may want to choose perishable products that are refreshing and hydrating, such as bottled water or fruit.
  • Consider the packaging and presentation of the products. High-quality packaging can make a big difference in how your products are perceived by your customers.
  • Consider the shelf life of the products. Make sure that the products you choose have a long enough shelf life to be effective and provide value to your customers.
  • Consider the branding and messaging on the products. Make sure that the branding and messaging on the products align with your overall marketing strategy and brand image.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right promotional products is an important part of any marketing strategy. When it comes to perishable products, it's important to choose high-quality products that will provide value to your customers and help you achieve your marketing goals. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can make informed decisions and choose the right perishable products for your business. Remember, the right promotional products can help you stand out from your competitors, build brand loyalty, and increase sales.