As you all may have known by now, Brazil has been knocked out of the world cup 2014 in a dramatic way. Many feel that the huge deficit loss was due to the fact that their star player Neymar was injured in a previous game with an awful injury sustained to his back. What you may not (or may not) have noticed is that around the stadium when they played Germany were thousands of custom masks with Neymar's image.

This is what the Neymar masks look like and this is what the star player himself typically looks like.

neymar masks neymar

Why Create a Neymar Mask?

The rational behind these custom masks was born by several leading advertising agencies in Brazil. For once they did not create these masks to promote any beverage, sporting goods brand or any phone brand. They did it purely to produce a personalised product to genuinely support their home team Brazil.

The advertising campaign spread like wildfire over social media and people were encouraged to hashtag #somostodosneymar (Which means we are all Neymar). The official website for the masks explains that on game day there will be thousands of Neymar's. So even though he cannot go on the field, everyone else will go on for him.

How to Get a Custom Mask

In total 120,000 masks were created by asking local digital printers to work overtime shifts. These were handed out free to people who attended the games in the stadium. For those who were not lucky enough to get tickets, the masks could be printed out as the outline is available to download online as a jpeg template.

outline of neymar mask

It is sad that Brazil was to lose to such a heavey 7-1 score line to Germany. However the passion of the fans in creating a custom merchandise not to sell a product, but to provide support for a much needed Brazillian team is truly inspirational!

Masks first seen on website: