Eco promotional items are a range of products that are kind to the environment. These products are made from sustainable materials (bamboo, sugar cane, cotton are some examples). They produce low carbon emissions and some can biodegrade safely back into the earth when the product is disposed of eventually. You will definitely earn brownie points from the environment and your customers when you opt for eco branded products. However, it comes with a price, and it's kind of expensive. Not until this 16-year-old teen's discovery. So, read on!


  1. Azza's innovation makes eco products affordable.
  2. Future of eco promotional products promising.
  3. Youth involvement is crucial in environmental solutions.

Why Eco Products Are Expensive?

To date most environmentally friendly products you see in our range and in shops and department stores have traditionally been higher than their non earth friendly equivalents. The reason is not marketing, nor is the higher prices attributed to vendors who want to earn more from earth friendly products. The real reason why non eco friendly products are cheaper is that it is more expensive to convert recylced materials back into a material that can be reused for production. Typically recycled material requires collection, sorting, followed by a process to convert the matter back into a raw material form. Once this is done it needs to be shipped back to a factory to produce new products. All in all it is an expensive process.

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Egyptian Teenager Finds Eco Product Solution

A 16 year old girl by the name of Azza Abde Hamid Faiad has found new chemical process to convert plastics back into biofuel. In more simpler terms Azza has a way of converting recycled plastics back into a petroleum form that can be used to power motor vehicles or to be reused to create new plastics to make new products. Now this is by no means new technology. This process of conversion has been around for decades and is used intensively today to create eco products. What is new is that Azza's method can now do it very efficiently and economically.

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For you it means your petrol may get cheaper in the future (especially for E petrol). For us it means that in the future our range of eco promotional products is going to get a whole lot bigger and best for you the prices will get a whole lot cheaper too! So no longer do you need to settle for non eco friendly products because they are cheaper, but you can select the environmentally friendly version as well. We cannot wait to see manufacturers and other related parties in the supply chain begin using Azza's research and solutions in a practical commercial sense.

Azza’s Innovation Explained

Azza Abde Hamid Faiad's innovative solution has revolutionised the approach to eco promotional products. This section offers a detailed understanding of this breakthrough.

  • Azza’s method involves converting plastic into biofuel, reducing both waste and energy costs.
  • She creates a petroleum form that can power motor vehicles or make new plastic products.
  • This process isn't entirely new; however, the innovation lies in its economical and efficient execution.
  • The use of her method can make petroleum and eco promotional products more affordable.

The Future of Eco Products

The introduction of Azza's research holds immense potential for the future of eco promotional products. Here's how:

  • The production cost of eco promotional items will significantly decrease, making them more accessible for businesses.
  • Her solution can help expand the range of eco promotional products.
  • There will be a shift away from non eco-friendly products due to affordable eco-friendly alternatives.
  • This leap forward can influence other eco-friendly solutions and promote continual innovation within this field.

Final Thoughts

Azza's astounding discovery empowers businesses to opt for eco promotional products without worrying about the expenses. With cheaper production methods and diverse eco promotional product options, promotional product companies like Cubic Promote Australia stand to gain significantly.


More importantly, Azza's discovery is a testament to the role youths can play in addressing environmental issues. Her promising innovation ignites a ray of hope in paving the way for a greener future, not just in promotional items but in many realms of our daily lives. With eco products becoming more affordable, businesses now have the opportunity to play a role in preserving the environment, earning not just financial profit but also the collective goodwill of their customers.


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