Here is part 2 of our cheeky sneak peek at presidential promotional products in the United States of America. The Americans genuinely are the best when it comes to using merchandise to further a political agenda or cause. Typically you will find the campaign with the most funding wins the race. Merchandise is an integral part of winning the presidency in America.

Bernie Sanders Merchandise

Possibly not a mainstream name here in Australia, but Bernie Sanders, at one point in time, had a legitimate shot at becoming the president of the United States. The graphics used in Bernie Sanders is quite cheeky and fun too. Check them out below:

  • Printed Tee Shirts
  • Printed Mugs
  • Printed Car Magnets
  • Printed Posters

Merchandise by John Hickenlooper

Mountains are what John Hickenlooper is about. This presidential hopeful wants a chance for the next year 2020. The merchandise and design used are somewhat fresh. The mountains, the stars look modern and patriotic. On offer for his campaign is:

Joe Biden

So Joe Biden is a bit older, but looking at his merchandise, you would never have guessed. It is reported that Joe Biden wears aviator sunglasses a lot. The aviator motif is clearly displayed on some of the merchandise on offer. The multi-colours also used clearly show Joe's intention for inclusiveness for all. On offer is:

How To Choose

Choose Merchandise that Represents Your Message

The first step in choosing the best promotional products for your campaign is to identify your message. Think about what you want voters to know about you and what distinguishes you from other candidates.

Select Merchandise That Suits Your Target Audience

Choosing appropriate promotional products depends on understanding your target audience. Younger generations might prefer trendy items like hats or tote bags while older people may prefer more traditional options like coffee mugs or fridge magnets.

Keep it Simple and Memorable

Simplicity is key when it comes to selecting election merchandise since people should be able to recognize them even from afar quickly. Simplicity makes it easy to remember both who made them and why they were given out? Many businesses limit word count so keep in mind how limited space could restrict communication.

Choose Merchandise that Fits Your Budget

When it comes to selecting merchandise for your campaign, it's important to keep budget in mind. No one wants to overspend and end up creating financial anxiety along the way. The products you choose should be cost-effective, practical and still reinforce support from voters without breaking the bank! So before settling on any promotional item, make sure they can contribute positively while respecting your campaign's resources.


Choosing the right merchandise for your campaign can make all the difference! When done correctly, people can't help but feel influenced by well thought out promotional items. Don't worry if sifting through countless options may seem overwhelming - just keep focused on your message and budget to stay on track. Our helpful tips will guide you along the way to create awareness for your candidate's campaign.

And once you're finished reading this blog post, don't forget to check out part one and be sure to look out for our next article coming soon where we'll delve deeper into even more promotional products used by American presidential candidates.