Things go in and out of fashion all the time, I am guessing that we all know that and in saying that I am going to go out on a limb and declare that cargo pants will be the next big thing again after a decade long hiatus.  Here is a list of things that have made a come back in the past year or two that for those who are old enough will instantly recognise. Part of the reason why I think some of these things are cool again is simply because they are more fun, more tangible and in some instances they simply perform better than what is offered today despite today's advances in technology. Okay here goes:

Top 10 Product Gifts that are Cool Again

These 10 products will give you a lot of nostalgic value depending on how old you are. In some instances these have been in and out of fashion 2 or 3 times already.

Slap Bands

These were cool for a while in the 90's. All the kids had one. It came straight after those good old friendship bands (the ones where kids will make themselves to give to their BFF's). They were considered a bit of a hazzard by parents and teachers because the spring on the slap was quite strong. Now they are coming back in because they make for fantastic high visibility when used at night. So on bikes, bags, wrists and biceps they can keep you seen at a distance at night. So no longer just for kids anymore.

Cards and photos on bike spokes

More and more often I have been seeing people stick photos and cards on the spokes of their bicyles. I do know this used to be popular and I was surprised to see people doing this again.

Vinyl Discs

Where do I start? The sound quality of vinyl has to be heard to be believed. Totally natural sound makes you wonder why you ever bothered to a Mp3 music file. Im glad these are back in vogue and hope they stay.

Chunky Earphones

For serious listening, in the past few years chunky earphones have exploded in popularity thanks in large part to the Beats by Dre line up of cans.

Physical Magazines

Tablets and Ipads were supposedly going to eliminate the need for physical magazines. For a short time in 2011 and 2012 the sale of magazines did drop a bit. However not anymore recently the statstics in Australia show that magazine sales are increasing again. Surprised? Not at all. The tablet versions of magazines were just scans of the real thing. You couldn't leave the magazine on any old table, nor could you share it, nor could you flip through it quickly, nor could you doodle crosswords on it. I can go on and on but you get the point right.

Stop Motion Videos

Technology is fun though. Countless apps mean that lots of people have been making their own stop motion videos and cartoons.

Retro Gaming

Has been big for a while now and show no signs of slowing.

Bubble Blowers

Im seeing more and more bubble guns and bottles in shops now. I remember mine as a kid in the 80's.

35mm Film Cameras

Smartphones instead of killing the demand for cameras has actually increased it because it  reminded why everyone needs a good dedicated camera for quality photos. The need for quality has inturn created a growing niche demand for traditional 35mm film cameras. Why? Well just try printing out a photo that is around A4 in size and you can see huge pixels even from the best cameras.

Monkey Bars

Is it me or are they popping up in gyms and in most kids playgrounds? They give even the strongest shoulders a sore workout. After all those electronic contraptions that I have seen in the gym lately from giant bouncing balls to machines that do nothing but vibrate it is good to see something so simple and so effective.