Unique packaging designs can have a huge impact on the sale of a product.  Modern and creative packaging is often used as a promotional tool as well as to make the product stand out on the shelf. It gives the consumer an experience before they even begin to use it. We’ve looked at some really interesting packaging ideas. Here are 5 unique designs that are sure to capture your attention.

Uncle Ray’s Organic Fish Rub

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Not only is the box a practical way of storing this product but it is also a fun creative idea which draws the consumer to it.

Ladushki Kid's yogurt

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This packaging is bright and cheerful. The can aspect highlights the freshness of the product. While the animal images on the cans make them more fun for kids.

Sling-Slang YoYo

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This design is classic and stylish and takes yoyos to a new level.

Non Existent Vodka


This vodka appears to be camouflaged into the box, with the word 'vodka' in small writing. I'm not too sure what the reason behind this is. Whether its just something different or whether it’s a case of hiding the fact that its vodka you are drinking,  this product certainly stands out on the shelf.

Naïve chocolate bars/Library of Chocolates

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This library of chocolate bars takes the eater through a story of it's origins. The consumer opens up this box to discover carefully shelved chocolate bars, each one giving away a piece of the philosophy behind the creators.

Images first seen on http://graphicdesignjunction.com/2015/01/packaging-design-2015/