Branding logos is what we do here at Cubic Promote, so your might just say we've got a bit of an interest when it comes to logo design. For us, the best logos to brand are often the simplest. They're not overly showy, they're easy to remember, but most important of all, they're versatile. For me, a versatile logo is the best kind of logo. It's one that can work in any situation. Whether it's a single colour or a full colour branding, and more importantly whether it's a large or a small print. Here are 5 tips that will help you design an effective logo.


  1. Keep logos simple and versatile.
  2. Design with branding in mind.
  3. Effective logo boosts marketing efforts.


Cubic Promote Logo

How to Create a Winning Logo

Here are the steps you should keep in mind:


1) Keep it simple - A simple logo is one that's easy to interpret. It's all very well and good to create something dazzling and intricate, but something clean and distinct would be much easier to see, much easier to read, and much easier to remember. And, when it comes to branding your logo, it'd certainly be easier for us.

2) Make it flexible - A good logo should work anywhere. From a tiny little print on the side of the pencil, to a standing banner taller than a person is. The best logos should be able to work within any limits. A good idea is to have a colour version, a black and white version, as well as portrait or landscape versions. Then you're set for any branding space.

3) Pick your colours - There's plenty of psychology behind colours. The meaning of them, the way they work, the way people interpret them. Keep that in mind when designing your logo. But also, consider how your logo will look branded. Think about how your logo may appear on a colourful backdrop, or something sober and black. Colour contrasts are important, because you want to ensure your logos stand out against the backdrop. Also, consider limiting your colours. A lot of colours might look great, but it might limit your branding options in the future.

4) Make it timeless - A good solid logo should have a timeless quality about it, and should work at any time or place. Changing it up too frequently reduces brand recognition. Pick something that's dependable. Of course, if you're selling a product or idea based in a certain time period or tradition, your logo would probably best match up with that.

5) Get your logo vectorised - When you get your designer to create your logo, make sure it's a vectorised artwork. It'll save you plenty of headaches down the track, and allow for your logo to comfortably be moved, manipulated, scaled up, or scaled down when branding.

With these tips in mind, you'll have an effective logo that can be branded and used in all situations.

Why Is It Important?

When it comes to promotional products, a well-designed logo can significantly impact your marketing efforts. Here are four reasons why logo design is crucial for promotional products:

  • Brand Recognition and Recall: A well-designed logo helps create brand recognition and recall. When your logo is printed on promotional products such as promotional plastic pens, mugs, or T-shirts, it becomes a constant reminder of your brand every time it's used. Customers will begin to associate your logo with your products or services, reinforcing brand awareness.
  • Increased Perceived Value: An aesthetically pleasing and professionally designed logo can elevate the perceived value of your promotional products. Customers are more likely to view products featuring a well-crafted logo as high-quality and desirable.
  • Consistency and Professionalism: A logo acts as a visual representation of your brand's identity. By placing your logo consistently on promotional products, you showcase professionalism and attention to detail. This consistency helps build trust and credibility among your target audience.
  • Uniqueness and Differentiation: In a competitive market, a unique and visually appealing logo can set your promotional products apart from others. A well-designed logo attracts attention, creates a sense of curiosity, and encourages potential customers to explore your brand further.


So there you have it! These five simple steps will help you create a timeless, versatile and impactful logo that can be used in all sorts of branding situations. By keeping it simple, flexible, and timeless, your logo can withstand the test of time, and increase brand recognition and recall. Having a professionally designed logo on your promotional products can help create a lasting impression, and elevate the perceived value of your brand. So what are you waiting for? Follow these tips and create an effective logo that can help your brand stand out from the competition!

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