The range of merchandise by the legendary motorcycle brand truly reflects the origins in both design, motifs, feel, and even production too. We take an in-depth study here on the types of merchandise offered by the influential Harley Davidson brand.

harley davidson sweater

The History of Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson has been a legend in American motorbike circles since 1903, when William S. Harley and his mates Arthur and Walter Davidson first started churning 'em out from their small Milwaukee production shop. There's no denying classic old Harleys' have got something special - an engine design that was way ahead of its time allowed for superior performance compared to the other brands around then!


That's why the brand has become synonymous with quality bikes, but also with the riding lifestyle through their related merchandise releases and brand collaborations. Even today you can still find original bike models as well as current ones inspired by these old racers, not to mention swag like promotional t-shirts that are meant to emulate the glory days of the brand. On today's blog I'm looking specifically at merch that is heavily inspired by old school Harley Davidson branding and just how influential it still is!

Merchandise Influenced By Tradition

The first thing that strikes me when I am going through the range of merchandise offered by Harley Davidson is Tradition. The apparel on offer is brand new merchandise based on vintage designs. There is no attempt to revise or remake these products into modern interpretations. Instead, the customer is presented with authentic original products that have not changed in design for decades. Genuine and original? Yes, 100%. Harley Davidson is protecting its image of heritage here.


Another nice touch is the fact that all the products are made in America. Just like the original products, all the items are made in America. This adds to the authenticity of each of the items.

original harley tees white harley tees harley davidson tees

Tee Shirt Example

Take this particular example the simple tee shirt by Harley Davidson. First printed in 1947, the original tee shirt features a logo with wings on it as well as a Hyrda Glide hee shirt. According to the Harley Davidson website, pair the tee with blue jeans and boots for a rebellious look that will last through the ages.


Other than the cut of the tee shirts, which I assume used to be slim-cut tee shirts (the vintage images of these tee shirts look very tight). The modern iterations, seem looser in fit, and not much has changed design-wise.

What Other Merchandise is on Offer

Other merchandise on offer, include:

  • Tee shirts
  • Hats
  • Sweaters
  • jackets
  • lighter
  • gloves
  • Pins

and yes, all of these items are not merely retro-inspired but are actual designs of the originals.

harley davidson gloves harley lighters

Images are first seen on the website: