This cafe delivers its Sandwiches by throwing them off a building! In the process it has created itself quite a unique piece of marketing through word of mouth and online buzz. Whilst some businesses market their products by running advertisements and others market by using promotional merchandise, this Melbourne Cafe has turned to throwing their product off a building and by the looks of it, getting quite successful at doing that too!


  • Unique marketing ideas generate buzz and excitement around your brand.
  • Interactive marketing campaigns and personalized experiences build lasting relationships with customers. 
  • Differentiation through unique marketing ideas gives businesses a competitive edge.

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The Unique Marketing Idea

The product is simple: a toasted sandwich (or "jaffle" as they're known in Oz). You pick your favourite filling and the business prepares a piping hot sandwich just for you. The difference in this case is that Jafflechutes sandwiches don't get passed to you over a cafe counter, these sandwiches literally fall from the sky!

jaffle-graphic  jaffle-drop

The process, like the product, is quite simple. Just pick your filling, pay for your sandwich via Paypal and select a "drop time" for your sky meal. Then you simply wait at a designated spot to collect your jaffle as it parachutes down. The creators had originally planned to create pocket parachutes for people living in apartments who forget their keys, but somehow the technology evolved into a city-based food drop instead.


This odd Aussie idea has taken Melbourne by storm and has recently expanded to limited promotional drops in various US cities. What has set Jafflechutes apart from other pop-up food stalls is its sheer uniqueness, which has in turn set the Internet ablaze. While the sandwiches themselves are basic, the delivery method has turned them into event food items that everyone wants a piece of. So don't let anyone tell you there aren't truly different marketing ideas out there just waiting to be discovered!

The Power of Unique Marketing Ideas

In today's competitive business landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential for success. One effective strategy to capture the attention of customers and differentiate yourself from competitors is through unique marketing ideas. These fresh and innovative approaches can have a profound impact on brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately, business growth.

Increased Brand Awareness

Unique marketing ideas have the ability to create a buzz around your brand. By presenting something unexpected or unconventional, you can pique the curiosity of potential customers and generate excitement. This can lead to increased brand awareness as people start talking about your unique campaign, both online and offline. 


For instance, a clever viral video or a guerrilla marketing stunt can quickly go viral on social media platforms, reaching thousands or even millions of people. This exposure not only helps in spreading brand awareness but also creates a lasting impression on the minds of the target audience.

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Gone are the days when traditional advertising would suffice to engage customers. Nowadays, consumers seek personalization and meaningful experiences. Unique marketing ideas provide an opportunity to connect with your target audience on a deeper level.


Interactive marketing campaigns, such as gamification or personalized experiences, can captivate customers and keep them engaged. By offering a unique experience or value, you can build lasting relationships and create brand advocates who are more likely to spread the word about your products or services.

Boosted Business Growth

The effects of unique marketing ideas are not limited to short-term gains. In fact, they can have a long-lasting impact on business growth. By differentiating yourself from competitors and building a memorable brand image, you can attract a loyal customer base.


Additionally, unique marketing ideas can give you a competitive edge, allowing you to charge premium prices for your products or services. As customers associate your brand with innovation and creativity, they become willing to pay more for the unique value you bring.


Unique marketing ideas like giving away high quality promotional merchandise that represents your brand have the power to transform businesses. From increased brand awareness and enhanced customer engagement to boosted business growth, the impact is far-reaching. By thinking outside the box and implementing creative strategies, businesses can successfully navigate the competitive market and leave a lasting impression on their target audience. So, embrace the power of uniqueness and unleash the potential it holds for your brand.


Unique marketing ideas have the power to transform businesses by differentiating them from competitors, building brand awareness, and engaging customers on a deeper level. While traditional marketing techniques still have their place, standing out from the crowd requires creative and innovative strategies that resonate with consumers.



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