Even the big brands can struggle with maintaining an appealing logo design. Take for example the poorly received 2016 logo from popular app service, Uber. Their original "letter U" logo was easy to spot on your phone, but the revised rider and driver versions (particularly the rider - below) were met with disdain upon launch.

uber ugly logo rider

Gone was the easy to understand letter U, replaced with a far more abstract design not out of place with a banking institute or similar. Don't worry it can happen to the best of them (that's why we have a list of great tips and ideas). Critics were not impressed with the following three logos, all of which take the whole "ugly logo" thing a bit too far.

Excessive Gradient

verizon ugly logo

You would think a huge power player on the American market like Verizon would know better than to go too hard on horrible gradients, but the above was their logo for quite sometime! It has recently been simplified to a more appealing, gradient-free look boasting a simple red tick.

Design idea to keep in mind: Less is more, especially when it comes to tricky techniques.

No spacing

ebay ugly logo

eBay's recent overhaul of their logo kept the brand's exciting colours intact, but somehow managed to squeeze some fun out of the whole affair by losing the playful lettering. The critics also weren't too impressed by the lack of spacing better letters, which makes the whole design a little tough on the eyes.

Design idea to keep in mind: Simplicity is great, but it really doesn't hurt to add a little space between letters.

Absolute Mess

london ugly logo

Last but not least is the 2012 London Olympics logo. What should have been a hugely appealing design wound up being almost universally panned as messy, incomprehensible and not at all representative of the important event it was promoting. There's abstract and then there's abstract.

Design idea to keep in mind: Don't do this, ever.

Blog idea first spotted: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-worst-logos-of-all-time-2016-6?IR=T