USB pocket thumbdrives are reaching a point where they are so low in cost that they are literally everywhere much like the humble ball point pen. The way they are consumed have therefore changed dramatically over the past few years. No longer do people use 1 thumbdrive for all their data needs. They are now typically used to store files temporarily and more often than not people will have a dedicated thumbdrive for work and another few for other purposes. With that in mind I was fascinated to come across a successful Kickstarter project by BOLTgroup that created thumbdrive tear aways! The concept works like a exactly like a notepad. Simply tear away the product from its base when you need to use it.


  1. Promote your brand with eco-friendly thumb drives.
  2. Enhance brand reputation with sustainable choices.
  3. Support the environment and attract customers.


bamboo usb 2014

Green Environmentally Friendly Thumbdrive

The great thing about this product that the BOLTgroup created was that the casing that houses the thumbdrive chip uses recycled paper. By using recycled paper that has been reduced to pulp and combined with what essentially amounts to as a big blob of glue they were able to create thumbdrives that are extremely eco friendly, light in weight and also bring the cost of production down.

finished product usb 2014

Here is an example of a prototype production process of using paper pulp to create USB memory drives

production process usb C

productio process usb B

productio process usb A

(BOLTgroup creation first seen on website:

Bamboo: Alternative to Recycled Paper

Other than using paper pulp which is a great re-use of paper their are also other ways to create a thumbdrive whilst still being kind to the environment. Using materials such as bamboo has started to really take off and is a fantastic idea. There are many reasons why Bamboo is a great raw material. Advantages of Bamboo include:

  • Plenty of natural supply! Bamboo grows at a ridiculously fast rate in naturally. This means that supply will never be an issue.
  • Bamboo biodegrades. Being a natural product it does not take decades to biodegrade when in landfill unlike plastic.
  • Plenty of supply means it is cheap (unfortunately demand is still quite low which means the prices are still high for the time being, but this can change very quickly).

The best thing about bamboo is that they look great and much like the project by BOLTgroup the finished product looks amazing. You're in luck because we have promotional bamboo USB drives on sale. Order a bulk today while supply lasts!

Eco Thumb Drives Boost Branding

One of the key reasons why companies need to invest in promotional items is to increase brand awareness and customers' loyalty. Here, we explore how choosing eco-friendly promotional thumb drives can promote a company's brand and raise their brand's reputation.

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Studies show that customers are more attracted to businesses that use eco-friendly promotional products. By opting for sustainable thumb drives, a company is not only promoting its brand, but they are also communicating that they are eco-conscious, which enhances the company's reputation.
  • Eco-friendly promotional thumb drives stand out: With so many brands using the traditional plastic thumb drives for their promotions, a company that invests in eco-friendly promotional thumb drives stands out. Since the thumb drives are eco-friendly, they help the company connect with environmentally conscious customers looking for eco-friendly promotional products.
  • Increased brand recognition: A thumbdrive branded with a company's logo or name gives a company's brand continued recognition and creates a lasting impression with customers, as well as potential customers.
  • Cost-effective: Investing in eco-friendly promotional thumb drives can be a more affordable choice for companies as the difference in cost is minimal when compared to non-eco-friendly thumb drives. With only a slight difference in price, companies are then able to promote their brand while displaying a commitment to sustainability.


Eco-friendly promotional thumb drives offer an opportunity for businesses to show their commitment to the environment, increase their brand's reputation, and promote sustainable living. It is not just a chance to display your commitment but also cuts costs in the long run. The focus on sustainability is not just a trend but a necessity for a better future. Promoting your brand is essential, but doing so whilst being conscious of the impact you make on the environment can lead to a stronger brand reputation, increased customer loyalty, and a sustainable future.