It is finally available. Mobile smartphones that have a curved surface. We are always interested in new technologies because it is our job to come up with really cool promotional phone cases that keep up to date with the latest handsets.

1. LG curved phones are flexible and durable.
2. Curved screen phones have advantages.
3. Custom branded phone cases increase exposure.

This particular model by LG is the most interesting design we have seen in a long long time. Even compared with the Apple 5s device this LG model is something special. Why? Well for starters it is not only curved but it is also flexible. This would render most cases and covers obsolete, unless they can flex with the phone. There are also many other aspects of this phone that makes it totally unique. Allow me to list them out here:
thumb_lg curved phones 2013


Here are the reasons why this LG smartphone is a must-have:

  • It is flexible making its surface screen crack resistant as a result. The LG phone may be placed on a surface and pressed down flat. Actually it can not only bend flat, but it can bend right into the other direction too. You know they encourage you to bend it too because some functions can only be activated by bending it.
  • It is durable to knocks and drops because the structure is not as rigid as regular phones. The amount of impact the unit will absorb will be a lot less than comparable conventional phones. As a result this means a lot less damage and a larger chance that your phone will survive drop after drop.

Advantages of a Curved Screen

Being the proud owner of a smartphone with a curved screen is impressive in and of itself, but here are some of its benefits:

  • The screen has a larger surface for content in a shorter form factor. There simply is more surface space for a smaller footprint when a phone is curved.
  • It avoids glare and reflections. As the screen is concave it means that light is reflected away resulting in a viewable surface that always looks clear. So no more staring at your own reflection anymore!
  • In a back pocket or on your face a curved surface is more natural enabling your voice to be closer to the microphone. Afterall human's face has a curved structure and nobody's face is straight.

The first devices will be on sale in Hong Kong and we are going to see if we can get our hands on one for an actual review!

Custom Phone Case Pros

Here are some benefits of using custom phone cases as promotional items:

  • Increased brand exposure: With your branding displayed on a phone case, you'll be able to reach customers wherever they go, especially since many people carry their phones around with them all the time.
  • Customer loyalty: A personalized phone case is not only practical but also sentimental. By offering custom branded phone cases to your customers, you show that there is value in their relationship with you.
  • Diverse options: There's a wide range of materials available for customization such as silicone (soft touch), plastic or metal which you can select from based on multiple factors like budget and durability.
  • Affordable price range: Customizing products might sound expensive initially but great providers offer cost-effective solutions without compromising quality standards so it becomes easily approachable for small businesses too!

Branded Phone Cover Guidelines

When selecting an ideal personalised phone case for your business or organization there are certain things worth considering:

  • Your target audience's preferences regarding the types of phones they use should be taken into account.
  • It is important that material used provides good protection to devices while optimising space allowing necessary branding elements at an optimal view
  • Make sure the design and color scheme match with overall aesthetic making it pleasing to eyes increasing likability by end-users


In conclusion, the new curved and flexible smartphones are a great innovation in the mobile technology industry. They offer unique advantages such as increased durability, better screen visibility, and more natural positioning on your face. As for businesses looking to promote their brand using custom phone cases, there are affordable options available that can increase brand exposure and customer loyalty. However, it's important to consider your target audience preferences when selecting the type of phone case material and design features. With these guidelines considered, branded phone cases can make great promotional items for any business or organization looking to increase their visibility in today's connected world.