Anniversaries and milestones for birthdays or for celebrations typically call for a get together party and more often than not the blowing of  flame on top of a candle. Ever wondered why we as humans do this? The blowing of a candle is done by seemingly all cultures and religions. However how did this all start? Why puff out a breath of air to blow out a flame that we just lit? The concept of placing a candle on the cake makes perfect sense of course, I mean who does not like eating cake?

smarties birthday cake
smarties birthday cake

History of Candles

Much like the debate on who invented the Sandwich, there is a lot of confusion as to when it actually all began. There are 3 popular theories though.

Theory 1:

Many though believed it started in Ancient Greece. Much like the Olympic Torch the tradition is from mythology from the gods. In the case of candles it is from the temple of Artemis who is the goddess of hunting. The candles was a symbol associated with that God.

Theory 2:

Others believed candles evolved from ancient China. During events and celebrations such as the opening of a new shop or during prayer as well as blessings an incense candle will be lit. The smoke rising from the incense is said to awaken the gods (some say the smoke carries your wishes to the gods). So blowing out candles may be attributed to that custom too.

Theory 3:

Some think that blowing candles started in Germany. Apparently in 1746 a Count by the name of Ludwig Von Zinzindorf through a huge party. It was his birthday and he really liked to show off. Using a big cake that had 1 hole for each year of his life he had a candle stuck into each of them and the rest is history as they say.

In Germany they also have something called a Kinderfest which originated in the 1700's. One candle was used to symbolize life.

candles 2014