Halloween Merchandise

With Halloween creeping up on us at a spooky pace, you might not have put much thought into costumes yet. But don't be scared, we've got you sorted with these deceptively brilliant ideas that you can throw together in a flash!

Custom Costume Ideas

With only a baggy jumper and and some strategically placed ping pong balls, you can whip up this frighteningly adorable monster costume!


Custom Halloween Merchandise Found at: ooooohdear.blogspot.com



Still holding onto that thrifty umbrella that was all but destroyed during winter's wild storms? Recycle it into an ingenious bat costume!


Custom Halloween Merchandise Found at: enviromom.com



Do you already own more black clothing than you really should? Are you torn between wanting to look frightening and your desire to look fabulous at your designated Halloween party? Simply add some simple custom face paint and presto - you're glamorous skeleton!


Custom Halloween Merchandise Found at: stylecaster.com



Want to get puntastic? Got a guitar and some costume cat ears knocking about somewhere? (Or even if you don't, everyone knows a guy with a guitar and with a trip to your local discount store, or some cardboard and paper and a steady hand, you can have your own kitty cat ears!) Next thing you know, you're an ironic Cat Stevens (in the cradle with a silver spoon...)


Custom Halloween Merchandise Found at: blogger.com



If nothing on this list thus far has inspired you, if the idea of putting the effort into creating and parading about in a costume still makes you go "meh"... this one might be for you. Show everyone your utter indifference with this "Night At Home" costume. All you need is a blanket, your pajamas, a hair tye, a snack*, and a look on your face that says 'I don't care" (*you can always swipe the snacks from the party spread).


Custom Halloween Merchandise Found at: collegehumor.com



Go on, get spooOOooOOOoooky!