Award ceremonies have a tendency to one-up each other when it comes to the goodies offered in their swag bags. This year's Oscars gift bag is a unique assortment of the dazzling, the mundane and the downright weird. Do we dare to peek inside this bag worth upward of $130,000? Yes, yes we do.


  1. Promote your brand with gift bags.
  2. Customisable, versatile, and cost-effective.
  3. Popular products: water bottles, pens, lip balm.


2017 Promotional Oscars Swag Home Security

Premium Event Merchandise For The Oscars

While the gifts worth the most this year are holidays, as usual, the Oomi Smart Home system is worth a pretty penny and will be included in each bag. It's not a trip to a mansion hideaway (also included in the bag) but it does mean that celebs can get ahead with the whole smart home-thing. But it doesn't really surprise us that celebrity gift bags would include luxurious trips, jewellery or premium skincare products. What really gets us are the simple items that we all can see ourselves using!

2017 Promotional Oscars Swag Chapsticks 2017 Promotional Oscars Swag Bottle

These include the cheapest item in the bags each year, some lovely promotional lip balms from ChapStick. Oscar-nominated or just a regular Joe like us, chapped lips won't do! Another gift that is quite simple is the Mous Fitness Bottle - which is, as you may have guessed, a drink bottle. It also doubles as a unique protein shaker, which we're sure will come in handy for some particularly ripped Hollywood stars.

2017 Promotional Oscars Swag Mouth Game 2017 Promotional Oscars Swag Positive Thoughts

Then there's some of the more out there gifts, like "Watch Ya Mouth" which claims to be some kind of party game (wow), a variety of obscenely expensive chocolates (give us some Dairy Milk and we're fine) and even a "personal exercise device" whose usage is best left to the imagination. Overall, our favourite might have to be one of the easiest gifts for regular marketers to replicate: a set of motivational cards. Each day, you get a new one out of the box and absorb its sage wisdom. I'm sure those going home without a gong today probably won't be inspired by them tomorrow, but down the track, who knows? Lots of luck to the celebs involved - we can't wait to see what goodies are handed out in 2018!

Promotional Gift Bag Importance

Promotional products play a crucial role in gift bags given to celebrities at award ceremonies. Here are some reasons why:

  • Brand Awareness: Including promotional products in gift bags can increase brand awareness for the company providing the products. Celebrities often use these products, and their fans take notice, leading to increased brand recognition.
  • Cost-Effective: Promotional products are relatively inexpensive compared to other items in gift bags, making them a cost-effective way to promote a brand.
  • Customisable: Promotional products can be customized with the company's logo or message, making them a unique and personalized gift.
  • Versatile: There are a wide variety of promotional products available, making it easy to find items that fit the theme of the event or the interests of the recipients.

Popular Promotional Products for Gift Bags

When it comes to choosing promotional products for gift bags, there are many options available. Here are some popular choices:

  • Promotional Water Bottles: Water bottles are a practical and useful gift that can be customized with the company's logo or message. They are also eco-friendly, making them a popular choice.
  • Personalised Pens: Pens are a classic promotional product that can be used by anyone. They are also customizable, making them a great way to promote a brand.
  • Branded Tote Bags: Tote bags are a practical and reusable gift that can be customized with the company's logo or message. They are also eco-friendly, making them a popular choice.
  • Custom Phone Cases: Phone cases are a trendy and practical gift that can be customized with the company's logo or message. They are also a great way to promote a brand to a younger audience.
  • Promotional Lip Balms: Lip balm is a simple and practical gift that can be customized with the company's logo or message. It is also a popular item in gift bags, as seen in the 2017 Oscars swag bag.

Final Thoughts

Promotional products are an essential component of gift bags given to celebrities at award ceremonies. They are cost-effective, customizable, and versatile, making them a popular choice for companies looking to promote their brand. Some popular promotional products for gift bags include customized water bottles, personalized pens, branded tote bags, customized phone cases, and promotional lip balm. By including promotional products in gift bags, companies can increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Bag contents first spotted here: