This year I am learning all sorts of new things. Today I have discovered that yesterday was "National Yo-Yo Day".... it is true, such a day does exist. So what do we do on national Yoyo day? How do we celebrate and reflect on the most popular toy of our youth?

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National Yo Yo Day

On June the 6th, every year, this is officially recognised as the National Yo Yo day. So what to do on this day? Easy, dust off your yo-yo (i am sure you have one at the back of a drawer somewhere) and practice your moves.
Naturally start with those, simple up and down basic moves, but quickly bust out your:
- Walk the Dog
- Around the World
- Hop the Fence

Once you start remembering and mastering your moves, then you must post and hashtag yo yo onto social media.

The Popularity of Yo Yo's as Promotional Products

Yoyo's is one of those enduring toy products that seem to come and go in waves. Much like other nostalgic toys like slinkies and spinning tops these classic toys never go out of style for long, and they typically enjoy a resurgence every few years.

Cubic Promote Yo Yo Contribution

The yo-yo may currently be out of favour with young kids, however as a promotional toy; they are as popular as ever. At Cubic Promote, we are on target to sell almost 20,000 yo yo's branded with our client's logos this year. The nostalgic and fun factor a yo-yo never ceases to surprise and knowing that nearly all our clients for yo-yos are adults we hope that we've added a little childhood nostalgia to each person who is lucky enough to have received one.

The History of the Yoyo

According to folklore, yo-yo's were originated in ancient Greece. How do we know this? A painting on the side of a Vase which dates back to 500BC shows a child playing with an object that resembles a modern-day yo-yo.

The popularity of the modern yo-yo started in America during the 1920's and 30's. Over the decades, the prevalence of yo-yo's comes and goes. However, this is one toy that can claim popularity amongst every culture and every generation.